What an incredible opportunity Mind Body EDS had to participate and sponsor in this years Ehlers-Danlos Society Global Learning Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, USA!
We had two representatives go on behalf of our charity (our Founder and a Volunteer) to raise awareness of our charity’s mission, network with worldwide specialists and patients, as well as be educated with the most up-to-date findings of the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes. Mind Body EDS were the only UK registered charity who supported the event.
As a charity, we are very proud to have been able to support the The Ehlers-Danlos Society whilst being the only UK EDS charity in attendance. We learnt such an extensive amount of education in EDS, and participated in two different research studies looking into the genetic type for hEDS, and the affects of local anaesthesia on EDS patients.
We’d like to thank our volunteers, patients and specialists we connected with at the conference and hope to see y’all next year in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
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